Phia Group


Phia Group Media

4th Quarter Newsletter 2013

2014 is now upon us and I can’t imagine it being any crazier, both personally and professionally, than 2013; of course, I’ll probably say the same thing next year! Thanks to your concerns and needs, we have many exciting new opportunities coming your way this year. 2014 will be the year of self funding where we see the industry grow to heights never seen before. With growth comes many potential pit falls, as always, we are here to get you through them. It will be interesting to see how Obamacare fares in 2014 and what it does to the employer based healthcare system. I am optimistic that things will work out for us in the end and that we will be stronger for it. Just remember that through all the chaos, The Phia Group will be your one stop for all of your cost containment and consulting needs. 2013 was great – the prospects are even brighter for this year!!!! Happy reading!

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