Phia Group


Phia Group Media

3rd Quarter Newsletter 2014

Well, the fall is definitely upon us! Over in Boston, leaves are falling, changing to majestic landscapes, and the nights are getting cold; but The Phia Group is just heating up. We have so much information to share with you this newsletter from new service offerings to case law to regulatory changes. One of the things I wanted to share with you is the amazing conference I had the privilege to speak at this past weekend in Oklahoma City; the First Free Market Medical (FMMA) Association conference. It is rare that I am overwhelmed with new information, but this forum did the trick. The goal of the Free Market Medical Association is to bring together physicians, surgeons, providers, facilities, and support businesses to provide necessary resources to promote a successful industry. Its focus is to defend the practice of free market medicine without the intervention of government or other third parties.

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