Phia Group


Phia Group Media

Book of Russo: Chapter 5

On October 21, 2022
In the latest episode of The Book of Russo, tune in to find out what The Phia Group’s CEO, Adam Russo, and guest host, Mike Ferguson, President & CEO of the Self-Insurance Institute of America (SIIA), have to say about SIIA’s 2022 National Conference, the history of SIIA, and what to expect from SIIA in years to come.

Empowering Plans: P146 - A Possible Threat to a Plan’s Discretionary Authority

On October 14, 2022
Currently before the Senate, a new bill has been announced that would ban all references to a plan administrator’s discretionary authority, as well as remove all deference courts give to their claims determinations. Regardless of whether this bill will be passed, what does this and similar rhetoric say about public and political attitudes towards self-funded health plans? Ron Peck, Chief Legal Officer, and attorney Kaitlyn MacLeod are here to talk about this and more. Enjoy!

Book of Russo: Chapter 4

On September 22, 2022
In the latest episode of The Book of Russo, tune in to find out what The Phia Group’s CEO, Adam Russo, and guest host, Dr. Jeffery Gold, have to say about Direct Primary Care and why Dr. Gold decided to open his own practice in Massachusetts.

Empowering Plans: P144 - The Latest Developments Involving Patient Assistance Programs

On September 16, 2022
In this episode of the Empowering Plans podcast, attorneys Brady Bizarro and Andrew Silverio discuss patient assistance programs. They explain what these programs are, how they have been utilized in the industry, and the latest regulations and litigation surrounding them. Tune in to find out what plan sponsors need to know!

Empowering Plans: P143 - Is Wrongful Death the Death of a Subrogation Claim?

On September 2, 2022
In this installment of the Empowering Plans podcast, attorneys Chris Aguiar and Cindy Merrell discuss the murky waters of wrongful death and healthcare subrogation claims.

Book of Russo: Chapter 3

On August 26, 2022
In the latest episode of The Book of Russo, tune in to find out what The Phia Group’s CEO, Adam Russo, and guest host, Ernie Clevenger, have to say about Ernie’s famous Saturday night newsletter, CareHere, and much more.

Empowering Plans: P142 - The (Healthcare) Times They Are A-Changin’

On August 19, 2022
In this installment of The Empowering Plans podcast, attorneys Nick Bonds and Corey Crigger discuss two recent shifts in the healthcare landscape: The FDA’s stance on OTC hearing aids and recent developments showing that not all debt is created equal, especially medical debt.

Empowering Plans: P141 - Do You Mind (…The Gap)?!

On August 5, 2022
In this installment of The Phia Group’s Empowering Plans podcast, attorneys Jen McCormick and Jon Jablon discuss the age-old topic of stop-loss gaps, with a modern twist. Emerging law and industry trends color so many decisions that self-funded plans and those who service them must make on a daily basis, and one player that sometimes gets forgotten about is stop-loss. Since stop-loss coverage expectations don’t always align with reality, health plans, TPAs, and brokers need to be proactive to find potential gaps and try to rectify them before they evolve into real problems.

Should Plans Better Address Mental Health Benefits? | The Phia Group

On July 22, 2022
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has announced that we are facing another crisis – one on mental health. Participants are clamoring for more access to mental health care than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic only highlighted the lack of availability of mental health care in the US, including care that is covered by plans. Ron Peck, Chief Legal Officer, and attorney Kaitlyn MacLeod are here to talk about what plans are doing to address the mental health crisis and how mental health parity comes into play for plans, patients, and providers.

Stop Loss and Subrogation | The Phia Group

On July 8, 2022
In this episode of the Empowering Plans podcast, attorneys Chris Aguiar and Cindy Merrell discuss potential obligations of health plans to their stop-loss carriers in the event of a recovery through subrogation.

Book of Russo: Chapter 2

On July 6, 2022
In the latest episode of The Book of Russo, tune in to find out what The Phia Group’s CEO, Adam Russo, and guest host, Dr. Marty Makary, have to say about price transparency, price gouging, and who is typically responsible for the high cost of care.

The Book of Russo: Chapter 1

On June 17, 2022
In the first episode of The Book of Russo, tune in to find out what The Phia Group’s CEO, Adam Russo, has to say about the new podcast series, healthcare transparency, and so much more.

Breaking Down Breaks in Service | The Phia Group

On June 8, 2022
In this episode of Empowering Plans, join Kelly Dempsey and Kevin Brady as they discuss the important considerations surrounding rehired employees and breaks in service. This dynamic duo covers a number of items including the 13/26 week rule, the rule parity, and the need to add plan provisions which account for these situations.

The Benefits of Direct Primary Care | The Phia Group

On May 27, 2022
In this episode of The Phia Group’s Empowering Plans podcast, attorneys Nick Bonds and Corey Crigger discuss Direct Primary Care (DPC). This was a hot topic at a recent conference Nick attended and a subject near and dear to Corey. Join them as they discuss the benefits and practical issues to consider when looking at this tremendous option for augmenting your employee benefits plan.

Changing Laws & Changing Relationships | The Phia Group

On May 13, 2022
Here you can find our podcast explaining the emerging/changing laws & trends as well as changing relationships in our Empowering Plans: P133
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