Phia Group


Phia Group Media

4 Horsemen of the Plan-pocalypse

Nostradamus?  Miss Cleo?  The Phia Group?  In a psychic feat of foresight, The Phia Group’s team has gazed into their crystal ball and identified four issues that may not presently be keeping you up at night, but will certainly be disturbing your slumber very soon.  From being forced to pay for surrogate pregnancy and births, to the IRS actively issuing letters notifying employers of 2015 tax year penalties; from a new wave of fraud, errors, and abuse leading to heretofore unseen overpayments, to case law addressing the rights of plans to utilize reference based pricing – you’ve been warned!  We predict this complimentary webinar will open your eyes.  Miss this webinar at your own peril… You’ve been warned!

Click Here to View Our Full Webinar on YouTube

To obtain a copy of our webinar slides, please reach out to

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