Phia Group


Phia Group Media

Issue of the Year: Reference-Based Pricing and Balance-Billing

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In 2015 the self-funded industry evolved like never before. Innovative ideas spread like wildfire, as TPAs, stop-loss carriers, employers and brokers all over the country implemented new techniques to contain costs and secure the best results. Yet, the path to savings hasn’t been an easy one to travel.

All along, The Phia Group has worked with you to resolve thousands of issues – and by far, the most misunderstood, repeated, passion-inspiring issue has been reference-based pricing, balance billing, and the role of a fiduciary when handling such an arrangement.

Thank you for joining The Phia Group’s legal team on December 15th as they discussed reference-based pricing and balance-billing from the ground up and debunked common myths associated with it. This webinar will ended the year with a comprehensive primer on reference-based pricing and balance-billing, the rights of all parties involved, and what you can do to be proactive and successfully administer a reference-based pricing program.

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