Phia Group


Phia Group Media

The Stacks - 3rd Quarter 2017

On July 7, 2017
This is “The Stacks” from the Phia Group’s 3rd Quarter 2017 Newsletter

Empowering Plans Segment 11 - The Senate Unveils its Repeal & Replace Bill

On June 22, 2017
In this special edition of the Empowering Plans podcast, Sr. Vice President and General Counsel Ron Peck and Attorney Brady Bizarro give their initial thoughts on the Better Care Reconciliation Act. What is in this new bill? What does it mean for the self-funded industry? What is next for healthcare reform?

A Network by any Other Name

On June 22, 2017
PPOs, EPOs, HMOs… The days of simple network categories is past. Today, innovative providers are offering up-front transparent pricing, subscription-based direct primary care (DPC), value based pricing, ACOs, medical tourism, international prescription plans, on-site clinics, telemedicine and direct contracting with “centers of excellence.”

Empowering Plans Segment 10 - Plan Tales: The Good, Bad, and Really Bad

On June 19, 2017
In this episode, Adam Russo and Ron Peck interview two key members of The Phia Group’s consulting division – Vice President of Consulting, Attorney Jennifer McCormick, and Product Developer, Kristin Spath. These two have tales to tell, regarding their experiences helping clients with unusual questions, and transforming outlandish ideas into real benefit plan innovations.

Empowering Plans Segment 09 - In the Land of the Blind

On June 12, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office (“CBO”) has released its assessment of the American Health Care Act (Version 2.0), and once again the focus seems to be on who will lose insurance, gain insurance, and change insurance. Yet, as lawmakers stumble with blinders on, addressing only the matter of insurance, other important factors – such as the actual cost of care itself – remains conspicuously absent.

Empowering Plans Segment 08 - Healthcares? Alternative Provider Payment Programs

On May 22, 2017
The Phia Group’s CEO, Adam Russo, and Sr. VP & General Counsel, Ron Peck, discuss movements within the healthcare provider community to change how they charge (and receive payment) for services rendered. For better or worse, change is on the way!

Keeping PACE with Appeals, Trends and Fiduciary Responsibility

On May 22, 2017
As TPAs, consultants, and Plan Sponsors utilizing The Phia Group's Plan Appointed Claim Evaluator service, you are entitled to exclusive educational material.

Decisions, Decisions: Which Plan Types Work Best for Which Groups, and Why?

On May 16, 2017
Between a traditional PPO plan, a MEC or “skinny” plan, reference-based pricing, narrow network, cafeteria plan, or high-deductible health plan, who can choose? They all have their nuances, and which plan type is best for a given plan sponsor will depend on factors including risk tolerance, geographical location, employee base, and more.

Empowering Plans Segment 07 - The American Health Care Act

On May 9, 2017
Repeal and replace, the ACA, the AHCA - what does it all mean? How does it affect us? What’s next? Join The Phia Group's CEO, Adam V. Russo, Sr. VP, Ron E. Peck, and Attorney Brady Bizarro as they discuss the American Health Care Act, which passed the House of Representatives on 05/04/2017.

The Double-Edged Sword of Discretion: How Even Great Plan Document Language Can Cause Gaps in Coverage

On April 27, 2017
Nearly all Plan Documents have some mention of discretionary authority. The ability to interpret the terms of the plan is necessary to receive deference from the courts, and is needed since not every conceivable scenario can be planned for within the plan document.

Empowering Plans Segment 06 - An Employer Call to Action

On April 25, 2017
A podcast dedicated to employers. Our goal is to show employers what they can do to improve their health plan and plan performance, without relying on third parties. It’s time for employers to get into the game!

The Phia Group's 2nd Quarter 2017 Newsletter

On April 21, 2017
The Phia Group is off to a good start in 2017! Check out our newsletter to get acquainted with some of the latest happenings in our neck of the woods.

The Stacks – 2nd Quarter 2017

On April 14, 2017
This is “The Stacks” from the Phia Group’s 2nd Quarter 2017 Newsletter

Empowering Plans Segment 05 - The AHCA Failed: Where To Next?

On April 4, 2017
Join The Phia Group's CEO, Adam V. Russo, Sr. VP, Ron E. Peck, and Attorney Brady Bizarro as they discuss the recent, stunning failure of the GOP's American Health Care Act, the most recent news and predictions on the effort to repeal and replace the ACA, and what this all means for the self-funded industry.

The Phia Group, LLC is pleased to announce the addition of “Leave of Absence” reviews.

On March 27, 2017
Recognizing that employee handbooks are rarely compliant with applicable law, and promise employees extended health plan coverage contrary to health plan documents whose terms require termination of coverage, The Phia Group is pleased to provide a Leave of Absence review service.
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