Phia Group


Phia Group Media

"Survival of the Fittest" - Best Practices to Perfect a Modern TPA

On April 23, 2015
Join The Phia Group’s legal team as they discuss the best practices for TPA’s and how this can help you!

"To Be Or Not To Be"... A Fiduciary - Do You Even Have A Choice?

On March 25, 2015
Being a fiduciary is serious business. Determining whether you are one can also be very complicated. Case law increasingly establishes that being a fiduciary has more to do with the action one takes, than the contract one signs. Entities working on behalf of self-funded benefit plans may be unknowingly taking on fiduciary status. Are you a fiduciary? What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking on that burden? What can you do to protect yourself?

Pushback & Counter-Attack

On February 12, 2015
Pushback & Counter-Attack – How attorneys, providers, and the government are combating your efforts to contain costs… and what you should be doing about it!


On January 14, 2015
IMPLANT WARS: How monitoring provider self-referrals, & negotiating based on actual costs can result in major plan savings!

4th Quarter Newsletter 2014

On January 13, 2015
I’d like to start by thanking all of you that have chosen The Phia Group as your trusted partner. I know very well that other options are available to you, and we are inspired and thankful everyday that you place your trust in us. I have always, and will continue to promise, that our team of recovery specialists, plan drafters, paralegals, lawyers, and support staff will do everything in our power to maximize the benefits while lowering the cost of your health benefit programs!

"In Reference To The FAQ"... The DOL FAQ Dissected - Part Deux!

On November 20, 2014
Join The Phia Group’s CEO, Adam V. Russo; Sr. VP & General Counsel, Ron E. Peck; and other members of the legal team as we continue to dissect the FAQ, its key provisions, and how it impacts “RBP Plans .

Creeping Around Pitfalls on the Way to Scary Savings? - How to Avoid Horror When Implementing Cost Containment Schemes

On October 30, 2014
DON’T MISS OUT! Whether you’re embarking on a new cost containment adventure in-house, or with the help of a vendor, most programs are not simple “plug and play” affairs. Those who head into the dark unprepared will undoubtedly find themselves spooked by what hides around the corner.

Sun Life Financial Announced SunElite, a New Stop-Loss Value-Added Service

On October 18, 2014
Sun Life Financial Announced SunElite, a New Stop-Loss Value-Added Service

3rd Quarter Newsletter 2014

On October 7, 2014
Well, the fall is definitely upon us! Over in Boston, leaves are falling, changing to majestic landscapes, and the nights are getting cold; but The Phia Group is just heating up. We have so much information to share with you this newsletter from new service offerings to case law to regulatory changes. One of the things I wanted to share with you is the amazing conference I had the privilege to speak at this past weekend in Oklahoma City; the First Free Market Medical (FMMA) Association conference. It is rare that I am overwhelmed with new information, but this forum did the trick. The goal of the Free Market Medical Association is to bring together physicians, surgeons, providers, facilities, and support businesses to provide necessary resources to promote a successful industry. Its focus is to defend the practice of free market medicine without the intervention of government or other third parties.

2nd Quarter Newsletter 2014

On July 23, 2014
What a spring we have had here at The Phia Group. From travelling across the country speaking at various venues, hosting our own Phia Forum a few weeks ago, to our new service offerings; we have been extremely busy here at the home office. Now that the summer is here, you would expect that things would slow down but that’s not the case at all. As the temperature rises, so does our work load, as the number of issues facing the self insured industry continues to grow. Who said that health insurance is boring!?!?!?

"Dude, Where's My Subro?" - Integrating Subrogation - Sought by Employers & Loved by Administrators

On May 15, 2014
As plan sponsors and administrators examine their benefit plans in light of recent legal upheaval, now is our chance to implement important cost containment mechanisms.

1st Quarter Newsletter 2014

On May 8, 2014
Well… “ObamaCare” is here, and so are we. The sun continues to rise in the east, and set in the west; and business goes on. Some of you have reaped the benefits of change, while others have suffered; but the reality is that for most of the industry, not much has changed.

Taking It To The Limit - Accurately Identifying and Taking Advantage of Network Contractual Boundaries

On March 27, 2014
While it is true that some network contracts restrict a benefit plan’s ability to audit claims – or as is more often the case, simply prohibits the benefit plan from doing anything with the information so identified; some contracts apply unrealistic deadlines and still others contractually compel payment of claims otherwise excluded by the plan document… There are key provisions plan administrators can use to limit or eliminate the negative impact of such provisions.

To Pay or Not To Pay - Examining Exclusions, Definitions, and Other Things That Really Matter

On February 12, 2014
Whether you are a plan administrator or claims processor trying to determine eligibility of a claim, or a stop-loss carrier trying to determine whether a submission is reimbursable, how applicable provisions apply to specific facts make all the difference.

4th Quarter Newsletter 2013

On January 13, 2014
2014 is now upon us and I can’t imagine it being any crazier, both personally and professionally, than 2013; of course, I’ll probably say the same thing next year! Thanks to your concerns and needs, we have many exciting new opportunities coming your way this year. 2014 will be the year of self funding where we see the industry grow to heights never seen before. With growth comes many potential pit falls, as always, we are here to get you through them. It will be interesting to see how Obamacare fares in 2014 and what it does to the employer based healthcare system. I am optimistic that things will work out for us in the end and that we will be stronger for it. Just remember that through all the chaos, The Phia Group will be your one stop for all of your cost containment and consulting needs. 2013 was great – the prospects are even brighter for this year!!!! Happy reading!
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