Phia Group


Phia Group Media

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You!

On November 20, 2013
As with the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, we have all long believed that Provider Network Agreements exist solely in myth alone, never to be seen by human eyes… until now! From legend to reality; The Phia Group has obtained many provider network agreements, gone through them with a fine tooth comb, and present to you their expert analysis.

3rd Quarter Newsletter 2013

On October 28, 2013
Ill be honest with all of you – did I think back in 1999 when I formed The Phia Group with my college buddy Mike Branco that this company would become what it is today? The answer is I had no idea what I expected this company to become. I was just doing something that I loved and thought if I could make a living doing it then that would be “wicked” cool. We have blown away any expectations we have 14 years ago and the fact remains we have much more to do.

2014 & Beyond - Reacting to PPACA's Volatile Evolution

On September 25, 2013
Health Insurance Reform (aka Obamacare, aka PPACA, aka Healthcare Reform) has not enjoyed a smooth implementation. In fact, its birth has been quite turbulent. Are you surprised?

2nd Quarter Newsletter 2013

On August 28, 2013
It’s been a crazy few months for the health insurance industry as you all know. All I can tell you is that we are here for you with your questions and needs. We attempt to stay ahead of the curve and I can tell you confidently that more changes are ahead, so be sure to tune into our webinars over the next few months. As always, thank you for your support of The Phia Group. We promise to keep you informed so you can protect yourselves and your clients. Happy reading.

What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander? Analyzing BUCA-ASO PPO Agreements!

On August 20, 2013
Join The Phia Group’s CEO – Adam V. Russo, Esq. – as well as its Sr. VP & General Counsel – Ron E. Peck, Esq. – as they dissect contractual terms existing between carriers and their network providers, and share the realization that they know exactly what is important to you.

Ensuring Cost Containment Success - Member Outreach & Support

On July 31, 2013
On July 31st at 1 PM EST, The Phia Group’s CEO – Attorney Adam V. Russo – and The Phia Group’s Sr. VP and General Counsel – Attorney Ron E. Peck – will address one of the most pressing issues facing our industry today – balance billing.

Rain Delay – Postponing Play (or Pay)

On July 3, 2013
The Obama administration announced that it is postponing the requirement that employers provide employees robust, affordable health plans; also known as “pay or play.” You may think that this is good news… It’s another year to consider options, prepare funds, and study the intricacies of PPACA. DON’T BE FOOLED!

1st Quarter Newsletter 2013

On June 17, 2013
As you have no doubt heard by now, on April 15, 2013 – two bombs were detonated just before 3 P.M. Eastern Standard Time in the Copley Square area of Boston, MA. Since the news broke, many of you have reached out to us to ascertain our situation and confirm our wellbeing. I am pleased to advise you that our entire team is whole and healthy. The outpouring of support from you, our industry partners, has been moving.

Providing For The Future - The Evolution of Plans' Provider Relationships & Exposing Conflicts Between Plans & Providers

On May 22, 2013
For those that are invested in maintaining health benefits, inventing new cost saving methodologies is the “holy grail.” Enter the provider – hospitals, physicians, and other health care facilities.

Get In Line Before You're Out Of Time - How To Thrive in a Post-PPACA World...

On April 25, 2013
In a world dominated by reform and regulation, there are those who master compliance and thrive, and those who stumble under the burden.

Getting Employers To Self-Fund In The PPACA Era - Keep Existing Clients Self-Funding... Get New Employers To Self-Fund...

On March 13, 2013
As time passes and elements of PPACA are triggered, the cost of purchasing insurance has become too great. Meanwhile, employers see an opportunity to drop coverage, pay a relatively small penalty, and exile employees to the exchanges.

February 2013 Newsletter

On March 4, 2013
It’s only February and I’m already getting sick of the snow. Thankfully spring training is underway and for the first time in years, my beloved Indians have a chance to win! We here at The Phia Group want all of you to win new clients and increase your profitability and that’s why our services are catered to you. The industry is going through much change and our expertise can and will guide you through the storms. Our recent webinar on cost plus offerings was the highest attended to date and we expect to beat that number with our next two on how to convince employers that self funding is right for them. Thanks for choosing us and happy reading.

California / Recovering Benefits from Workers' Compensation

On January 23, 2013
In May of 2012, the California Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (“WCAB”) adopted amendments, which impact the ability of lien claimants to obtain recovery.

January 2013 Newsletter

On January 21, 2013
I cannot believe that New Year’s Eve was over 2 weeks ago – where have these days gone? Time certainly seems to fly by when I keep myself busy working to ensure that all of you are protected this year. I have been spending much time researching the options available to employers in 2014. Where will they go? Will they decide to self fund or will they join the exchanges?

The State of the Subro-Union Address

On January 16, 2013
The Phia Group’s CEO (Adam V. Russo), Sr. VP and General Counsel (Ron E. Peck), and resident subrogation litigation expert (Christopher Aguiar) will delve into current events, litigation, and changes in law (official and otherwise), as they share the current state of affairs for anyone and everyone interested in subrogation.
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